
Holistic and comprehensive approach

Partnerships with Academic Institutions

Rigorous academic research is an important part of Tevel’s strategic work. Tevel works with academic institutions including the Hebrew University, University of Zambia, Tel Aviv University, University of Haifa and University of Arizona to both support and amplify our work and to contribute to ongoing practical research that is essential in the world-wide effort to fight poverty in the Global South. Our partnerships with academic institutions include collaboration in monitoring and evaluating our work and its impact and research that will lead to new strategies and programs in the field. We have also developed partnerships with institutions who will provide highly trained interns to teach and supervise our ongoing activities including Zambians, international students and Israelis.

Baseline Survey

Prior to intervention in Mphande, Tevel conducted a thorough baseline survey aimed at delving into the socioeconomic conditions, water use, nutrition, farming practices, and health concerns of villagers. The survey, conducted by a team of 7 enumerators, involved interviews with over 140 households and focus group discussions with more than 30 individuals. This meticulous process served as the foundational step to understand the existing challenges and dynamics within the community, providing crucial insights to tailor effective and sustainable interventions that address the specific needs and concerns of the people of Mphande.

Findings of our baseline survey revealed that the people of Mphande live in extreme poverty, with income primarily derived from small-scale maize cultivation and charcoal production. The villagers’ most prevalent concerns included access to healthcare and clean water as well as health issues, especially repeated bouts of malaria causing significant work and school absenteeism. Food insecurity and limited access to water for irrigation were further identified challenges. The survey highlighted malnutrition, stunted growth in children, and educational gaps, with 35% of children not attending school. Further, the dispersed nature of the villages in the Mphande region poses logistical challenges for concentrated efforts and access to water and training.

Midline Survey

Tevel conducts semi-annual midline surveys. A survey conducted in August 2023, included 204 Mphande residents over eight days. The primary objective was to evaluate the influence of our intervention alongside agricultural training in terms of food security, health and livelihood. The data and report generated from this survey is important for continuous evaluation and improvement. Semi-annual midline surveys offer a valuable opportunity to assess the impact of our initiatives, ensuring that we remain on the right track and are effectively achieving our objectives.
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