In 2015, Tevel implemented a literacy and math program in Burundi, conducted by two social mobilizers, Priska and Ameline, local women who work directly with Tevel’s staff and community. Last year, Tevel trained th
em to teach literacy skills to their communities. They are now running full classes of community members in their newly built classroom with support from Tevel. Anyone who is interested in learning has the opportunity to join; those who are able to pay do so, subsidizing those who cannot.
One participant, who is also a member of Tevel’s DPAE agriculture group, has especially felt the impacts of Tevel’s influence on her life. She commented that although the agricultural skills she has learned are very valuable to her, being able to read, write, and do basic math just like her children is even more important.
In addition to the women-led education programs, the women’s group in the Vugizo village celebrated the initial stages of their livestock project. The women’s group has gone through a long journey together of trust building, learning to work together, project planning and income micro-loan management to get to this stage of their livestock program. They have finally built a barn, purchased sheep, and collectively cared for the livestock as well as equally distributed the sheep’s manure amongst the group members for fertilizer. This achievement marks a period of hope for the communities’ future income, a community that has overcome many challenges. This experience has united and empowered many women and will continue to do so long after Tevel’s work in Burundi is finished.